Version 1.30 issues

For PC (Windows) specific help with technical issues running the game.
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Heya! Here are some issues I noticed with the current build (1.30):

- no 1920x1200 (16:10) resolution support, so I currently play in a maximised window
- if you open the resolution drop-down, then close the menu with Escape the game seems to keep the drop-down open (if hidden). If you then open the main menu again you cannot interact with it using your mouse (though you can hear mousing over what I assume are resolution options) and when going to the video options using the gamepad it will have the resolution drop-down already open while you're navigating the other options
- there's no mouse cursor on the death screen
- the mouse cursor doesn't appear to be properly locked to the window (at least in windowed mode, I don't know how it behaves on full-screen with multiple monitors). It stays within its boundaries, however it can cross and interact with the edges, so you can, say, accidentally drag the window around by click-holding at the top of it while the game is running
- if toggling chromatic aberration off is supposed to affect the visual effect in stealth mode then the toggle doesn't work, I still get the distorted colours regardless of the toggle state [edit] Okay, I've spotted where CA is used now and the toggle works. It's still present when in stealth, but I'm guessing that's on purpose
- mouselook sensitivity appears to be tied to framerate, the camera is much faster when locked to 30fps than when unchecked
[edit] - I've now had the game lock up twice while loading a savegame in the sewers
- I made a leech in the sewers angry and it then proceeded to never un-aggro, even after I left the area entirely
- the map shortcut stopped working for me in the sewers after a while. I could still access it via the menu, but the shoulder button would no longer load it
- the save/load menu appears to become noticeably slower to load the more saves there are. It goes from being nearly instant to taking several seconds to display them
- if you load a save while grabbed by a guard you'll load into that save with Tilo in mid-air, still struggling to escape
- once a day-night cycle went around the blacksmith had moved away from his anvil and was thwacking his hammer at the air by a nearby post. I was unable to interact with him until I reloaded the game
- loading a game while a guard is chasing you will keep the music playing into the new save until you enter and escape a chase
- loading a game while in a dialogue crashes the game

And something less technical- looting first rat key was oddly difficult. At first I thought I could simply take it off the rat, but there was no interaction option. Then I knocked the rat out, but still could not take the key (possibly because the rat was clipped through the chair it was sleeping on). I finally got it off it when I made it chase me, knocked it out, then moved around the key area enough to get a prompt. Before that point I was beginning to wonder if the key was even interactable- perhaps highlighting carried items that can be looted while looking at them would help?

[edit] Another thing- the area right by the start that requires a source of light, I feel you need a better indication that that is what is required there. Right now the stairs down look lit as normal, then as you descent everything goes black. It feels like it should either start off pitch black or give you a little warning that you need a light source; I had initially assumed it to be a bug.

All that said, loving what I've played of the game thus far, keep up the great work! <3

[edit] I've attached the DxDiag file. Due to being over the 256KiB size limit I cannot attach the crash logs, so here's an external link to them: ...
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Last edited by BiteyFerret on Sat Jul 23, 2016 8:31 am, edited 9 times in total.
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If you open the inventory window and close it, the next time you open it the Inventory cursor will appear in 2 locations, the default start and the location it was at last will have a 'ghost' that will persist until you move the new cursor over it ... =729389605
(staircase leading down in, the hall to the left; just before that first sleeping guard rat)

hole in the wall, can see straight to infinity, also i can't sneak up these stairs tilo's legs are too short ;+; not sure if bug or intended

will update as i encounter others
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Thanks for this game. It looks and feels gorgeous and very exciting if it weren't for all the bugs I am encountering :D I'll try to be as specific as possible:

1. I'm using the gog galaxy version 1.30 (since the website file isn't working).
2. Every 4 or 5 times reloading the game it loads endlessly. I must restart the game via crtl-alt-del. Same goes when I start a game and click "continue". Naaah, it appears pretty often now -.-
3. got the same thing as described above with the light left to the starting cell where the stairs go down
4. I can't click "next" for further reading on documents which have more than one page. The letter or book simply closes
5. I maybe experience the same thing with the inventory as described above: I can't choose the different tabs it only opens letters or books. With this it also changes clothing or other stuff pretty fast and without my notice. I didn't discover a pattern in this as the user above but haven't tried yet.
6. the mouse dissappears when trying to save or reload and sometimes when trying to click "next" or "close" on books and letters (I'm playing only with M+K) - I'm playing in fullscreen.
7. Would be nice to be able to use mouse AND keyboard in the menu (arrows and enter for example)
8. Had two or three times where the rats couldn't find their way to follow me. They ran against a wall or were hindered by invisible objects.
9. When trying to save and overwrite a file the mouse also dissappears. And the layers double and the confirmation box isn't closing. I have to press escape to get in the menu to get a mouse cousor to get rid of it by clicking "no". The same happens when trying to reload after a death. It's frustrating to search for the possibility to reload the game :D
10. got issues with the framerate and sometimes the game freezes and I've to wait a few or more seconds till the game reacts again.
11. I sometimes can't open a footnote. The dialog simply goes on as I wouldn't have clicked "show footnote"
12. Would be nice if it is possible to switch of the icons over the heads of rats and npc with which Tilo is able to speak (at least through walls - better is completely)
13. entering the sewers: the bear traps have a graphic issue after I get killed by it reload and enter the sewers again. On trap stand closed in one open^^
14. in the sewers there is an invisible wall left to the lilac banner which hang over stairs - dunno if bug or intended for the early access version.
15. had one issue where I pressed escape to enter the menu, alt-tabbed to report bugs, reentered the game and it stands completely still, after pressing esc again to enter the menu and repressing esc I could play furhter
16. rangers mask is shown in the inventory as equipped but Tilo doesn't wear one. Pirate eye patch works sometimes
17. It appeared to me one time that the darkness isn't loading completely in the sewers where it was completely dark before and I had to use a light source I don't need one now. I thought it was a thing with the rangers tunic but after equipping different clothes I still can see in that floor.
18. Sometimes the mouse wheel won't work in dialogs
19. have some issues with M+K controlls. The camera (and with that Tilo) sometimes simply change direction
20. Had many and long freezes in the secret way next to the female prisoner in the courtyard - had to wait long till the game was going on
21. sometimes the game won't recognize that I'm hidden (playing the fast rat-is-following-you-music) and therefore not allow me to save my progress :(
22. First CTD: The game crashed. The crash report folder named 2016-07-23-121822 next to game executable. Edit: next one 2016-07-23-132618
23. Can't exit the statistics menu and it doesn't show any info (everything is set to zero)
24. sometimes Tilo can't carry a stool or bucket. The name doesn't float above the object.
25. the map shortcut won't work
26. I experienced that when Tilo wears heavy armor he sometimes can't get over tresholds
27. would be nice to be able to switch the display of usable buttons in the inventory off
28. would be nice to get shortcuts for the lamp, candle and other objects from the tool tab
29. It occured one time to me that Tilo refilled the lantern but I couldn't use it because it was displayed as full but trying to fill again wasn't possible because the game said it's already filled :D
30. Gusto also dissappears on my playthrough
31. the dialogs in boxes are misplaced and I can't read the ones above sometimes
32. "paper orders from lower keep is missing from npc inventory (silas)" I think I've encountered a game progressing bug :D
33. Rollo sleeps before the anvil, not on his sleeping place. Shot attached
34. Silas says he marks the larvae but it doesn't show anything on the map but I found the one on the tower before I asked him

good luck fixing this :D

txt files are not working. would be awesome if it would be possible to upload them here :P
PC specs:
Win 7
GTX 780 3 GB VRAM driver version 352.86
Phenom II X4 3,4 Ghz
10 GB Ram

I sent you the errors via email. File's to huge.
rolo.jpg (203.44 KiB) Viewed 37944 times
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Last edited by althrioan on Sun Jul 24, 2016 10:06 am, edited 18 times in total.
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I encountered a few of the issues above myself, but in addition to that, see the video below. :) ... 1.mp4?dl=0

Also, some other minor problems:

-Loading into the game makes Tilo's hat disappear.
-Tilo struggles to climb over stairs or jump up onto ledges unless he gets a running start.
-Exiting the game causes it to crash.

Also, the forum settings won't let me upload dxdiag.txt (.txt isnt allowed?)
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Thanks a lot for all that reporting !
GoaT can only be even better thanks to you ^^.

The forum attachment problem is fixed, and I updated the README sticky post about some additional info you can provide us, and how to find it.
Especially @althrioan if you can send us a save file you can't load, we can dig into it.

The next version of the game will be focused on Keyboard/Mouse control, we underestimated the ratio of K/M players, apologies !
Also, we will add requested options in the video menu to allow you to tweak the game a bit more.
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I was editing new issues into my original post, but I just hit a showstopper, so I figured I'd make it more obvious. When I speak with Silas with my full armour+spider venom he's supposed to give me paper orders so I can join the party downstairs... unfortunately he does not appear to have them. ... shot03.jpg

I may be getting this wrong, but I assume I am meant to go to the closed door with the elevator guard in front of it at bottom, just west of the well? He was the one that speaks of the gate being closed until the Commander sends a team down to deal with the spiders. Well, if I go down there he just tells me that the gate is still closed until further orders.
I assume I was supposed to get the orders (none in my inventory) and they'd let me proceed here?

Some other issues spotted (ignore the debug warning about Silas, I just happened to spot them after talking to him while looking around to confirm I wasn't missing something):

I've started getting the "you have a new item" asterisks on tabs that have no new items ... shot01.jpg

Wearing the guard armour makes you so slow that you can't walk up certain spots without sprinting ... shot02.jpg ... shot05.jpg

This tunnel shortcut is so low that Tilo has trouble fitting, you need to sprint on all fours to fit reliably ... shot04.jpg

And one of my mice disappeared (it was there while sleeping, gone the next morning. Lucky the one you interact with is still there). I can still hear it, but... ... shot06.jpg
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Oh thanks !
A lot of stairs are updated right now ^^.

For the Silas paper bug, does it also appear in the lastest build (1.32) or are you still in 1.30 ?
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Gog galaxy hasn't uploaded a new file yet, I'm still in 1.30 and without galaxy their isn't even any file

Thanks for doing this on the weekend!
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Quick list of bugs I encountered while playing (I'm on version 1.32 on Steam):

- 360 pad was not automatically detected, it was set to XOne pad by default.
- I had a stool not interactable anymore (after reloading perhaps ?). As it was the first one which allowed me to take the door key (near the cell with the sleeping guard), it was nearly preventing me from progressing. (luckily, I was able to push the stool under the key and climb on it)
- After the drawbridge, there's a rat which you can knock down by pushing a barrel. I did this but then went back to the previous area without taking the key on the rat. When coming back later on, he had woken up, and it looked like I could not steal his key when sneaking behind him. (and there was no barrel anymore obviously, so I ended up reloading)
- some doors are hard to interact with, so I assumed several of them were not interactable because of this (like the sewers door, or another door at the top of long stairs for example)
- I also had the bug with the blacksmith not interactable (and hameering at place he was sleeping at, instead of the anvil)
- Same with Gusto (Fatale was alone in the cell, but when talking to her, Gusto was in the conversation too)
- I had a case where I could enter an area that was not loaded/visible (I think it was after going to the ramparts, I jumped on a small roof, opened the door nearby, went onto the wooden beams, interacted with the ladder, went back up and then jumped down in the corridor)
- I also had the bug with the map shortcut not working
- I also thought the darkness wasn't always consistent (sometimes, when going back to an area, it had the feeling the darkness was artificially different)
- I also had the invisible wall near the beginning of the sewers (holes at ground level with some water/mud, and I was never able to go through it also it looked like there was enough place for Tilo)
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That graphic glitch above me is the one I've mentioned via email
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cosmogonies wrote:For the Silas paper bug, does it also appear in the lastest build (1.32) or are you still in 1.30 ?
1.30, the most recent version (currently) on GoG (1.30 gog-3).
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Thanks to you we were able to find where the location part failed to load and fix this !

Tomorrow we will have a big update with a lot of fixes thanks to you guys ^^.

For gog players, we are sorry for the inconvenience, the versions should be sync with the steam one, this is going to be the case in the future.

Finally, about doors: some of them are closed to put the bondaries of the early access, but some others need keys / puzzle / light to be opened. Look everywhere^^.
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cosmogonies wrote:Thanks to you we were able to find where the location part failed to load and fix this !

Tomorrow we will have a big update with a lot of fixes thanks to you guys ^^.

For gog players, we are sorry for the inconvenience, the versions should be sync with the steam one, this is going to be the case in the future.
Yeah, looking forward to it. Hopefully the servers will be updated :/
Will performance issues be attacked as well?
cosmogonies wrote: Finally, about doors: some of them are closed to put the bondaries of the early access, but some others need keys / puzzle / light to be opened. Look everywhere^^.
You guys made a beautiful tricky game. Level design is top notch!
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Just to confirm, the Silas papers bug is fixed in 1.47, I could proceed just fine. :)
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BiteyFerret wrote:Just to confirm, the Silas papers bug is fixed in 1.47, I could proceed just fine. :)
Damn not for me :D No option to report to him :cry:
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Are you loading a save after he already tried to give you the papers or before? I reloaded one to just before he was to supposed to give me the papers and that worked.
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