A Few Minor Graphical Bugs 6/17/2017

For PC (Windows) specific help with technical issues running the game.
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Joined: Tue Jan 03, 2017 12:43 pm

Here are two minor graphical bugs I found in the game. I have also taken screen shots of these bugs and added their link addresses to this post. I would have attached the images to this post, but the files are too big for the site to let me. Sorry.

1. Sleeping guard near the "Screaming Gate" has part of his fur on his back clipping through his armor.
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 4660DE2EF/

2. When Tilo is wearing a mask, his whiskers clip through the mask.
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 9FFCC18CF/
'Ghost of a Tale' Programming
'Ghost of a Tale' Programming
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Thanks for reporting !

We are amazed : Every time we release an update, that's cray how you guys follow up and participate to make the game even better.
That does feel so goood ^^. Thank you so much !
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You're very welcome and it's my pleasure to play this game you guys are creating!

Also, I've found a few more minor bugs:

I'm not sure what is going on with this first one, but when you equip the Ranger's Face Mask in the inventory, it doesn't appear on Tilo's face, so I'm not sure if it's registering as being equipped or not.

The next one I think is a spelling error in two of the dialogues with Faustus about the anti-venom. Instead of "anti-venom", it reads, "antivenin". I'm not sure if this is correct, but I wanted to let you know in case it's not. I will include a screen shot attachment of this dialogue.

Another issue I've noticed is when you pick up a stick or a bottle after already collecting some earlier, if you check the inventory, it doesn't show the blue light highlighting the icon of the item to indicate that it's equipped, even though you see Tilo holding it in his hand.

The last issue is that if you move your cursor over some items, it will tell you you can't hold anymore in red text if your full of that item, but some items won't tell you unless you click on them. Candles will tell you if you can't hold anymore and the color of their text will turn red. But Sticks, bottles, and grease bottles won't tell you unless you click on them and their text doesn't turn red. If you point your cursor over an empty cupboard, it will tell you it's empty with red text, but empty barrels and drawers won't unless you click on them and they have no red text either.
Spelling Error?
Spelling Error?
20170618184404_1.jpg (198.95 KiB) Viewed 25930 times
'Ghost of a Tale' Programming
'Ghost of a Tale' Programming
Posts: 303
Joined: Sat Oct 26, 2013 8:27 am

Thanks for reporting !

We are aware for the ranger mask, but the fix is harder than we thought.
Apparently antivenom is also called "antivenin" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antivenom.

By the way, I think I haven't understood your last issue.
Can you screenshot what "full of" red text you are talking about ?
The same about "point your cursor over an empty cupboard", I do not see how it is possible (no cursor in the game, just a aim-helper)

Thank you again ^^.
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Perhaps cursor was not the best way of describing it, so sorry for the incorrect description. What I was talking about is when Tilo is close to an object, the name of the item pops up. In regards about the red lettering, I've found now after going back in the game and testing it so I can screen capture it, is that the lettering only turns red when Tilo jumps up in the air next to the item your inventory is full of or object you've already cleared out. The lettering is white when you approach the item or object, but turns red if you jump for some reason. Here are links to the screen shots showing this:

https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 069882847/

https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ ... F267BC3A9/

https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ ... E9D65FC8D/
'Ghost of a Tale' Programming
'Ghost of a Tale' Programming
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Oh ok now I see what you were refering to !
If Tilo is jumping, he can't interact with containers or objects (except keys), so we color the name of the interactible in red.
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Oh, that makes sense. Sorry if some of these seem very minor or petty. I work as a Q.A. Tech at my job, so when I come across something that I perceive as an anomaly or inconsistent with everything else, I tend to view it as a potential error.
'Ghost of a Tale' Programming
'Ghost of a Tale' Programming
Posts: 303
Joined: Sat Oct 26, 2013 8:27 am

That's fine ^^.
We are amazed at every release how our players gives feedback and send reports.
This is sooooo precious to us, as a very small team !
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